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Quality assurance in software development

Quality assurance in software development

Software development quality assurance helps to ensure a consistent and reliable end product. It does this through firstly identifying and then maintaining a series of set requirements for each individual development. Known as Software Quality Assurance (SQA), it ensures a consistent standard is maintained by paying close attention to a number of key details during the development process. Good quality assurance is less about fixing problems at the end of the process and more about ensuring that they don’t occur in the first place.

Why is quality assurance so important in software development?

Quality assurance plays a critical role when it comes to developing software. At its most basic, it helps software developers create applications that meet the expectations and requirements of their clients. By following well worked out SQA standards and procedures, developers can prevent product defects from emerging.

The quality attributes approach

While some approaches to quality assurance are about assessing and correcting defects after they have occurred, the quality attributes approach to software development is about preventing them happening in the first place. It concentrates on achieving six quality characteristics. These are:

  • Functionality

Does the software have the required functions and are they operating correctly? Has their implementation been correct and how does the software interact with other system components? Does it keep data secure and is it fully compliant with any legislation or guidelines?

  • Reliability

Can the software be relied upon to work without any glitches? Does it work under specific conditions, such as the failure of a system component? Does the software fail at all and if so, how often?

  • Usability

Are the functions of the software easy to understand and use? Is much effort required to understand how it works? Does it present any barriers or potential difficulties to use?

  • Efficiency

Did the development team play close attention to good coding practice while working on the software? Has efficiency been incorporated as a key feature of the software as it was created?

  • Maintainability

Is the software easy to maintain, with any problems simple to locate and fix? Can you identify the principal causes of failure and are they easy to rectify. What impact will rectifying the problem have on the system as a whole?

  • Portability

Is the system portable and adaptable? Can it easily be installed and if something goes wrong, how easy is it to fix the problem in a specific environment. Can the software be scaled up or down to meet the changing needs of your customer?

While some of these aspects will be of greater importance on some software developments compared to others, they do provide a broad but robust set of guidelines to help shape and inform the development process.

Quality assurance is an integral part of the development process not an afterthought

Good software quality assurance is integrated into the whole development process. It should be kept front and centre throughout the creation of the software, from initial ideas to signing the completed project off. At InTeck, we have a well worked out quality assurance process that enables us to fully meet the requirements and expectations of our customers. We aim to produce a flawless software product, free from glitches, easy to use and adaptive enough to respond to changing requirements.

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